Advanced gu oncology training
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre is a leading provider of training in robotic-assisted surgery and other complex GU oncology surgery. We offer internationally-recognised Fellowships in GU Oncology, along with many other short-forms of education and training in GU Oncology and robotic surgery. Professor Declan Murphy is Director of GU Oncology and Director of Robotic Surgery at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and leads a large multidisciplinary team who are very active in all aspects of education, training, and research in GU Oncology. Together with his experienced urology colleagues at Peter Mac, he leads a renowned training program for urology trainees interested in specialising in surgery for GU cancers. Peter Mac is the highest volume training centre for prostate cancer surgery in Australia.
In addition, Declan has a strong commitment to training and education and is involved in surgical education and training from undergraduate levels at the University of Melbourne, through to post-graduate robotic training for advanced trainees and existing specialists. He lectures to medical students and supervises research students at undergraduate levels, and post-graduate higher degrees through the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne.
The GU Oncology multidisciplinary team which Declan leads at Peter Mac also provides many other educational opportunities including Advanced Prostate Cancer Preceptorships, Clinical Observerships, and regular educational activities such as webinars and lectures.
One year Fellowships in Genitourinary Oncology
Each year we offer two full Fellowships in GU Oncology for senior urology trainees from around the world. The Fellowship program includes clinical training at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Epworth Healthcare Richmond, and includes a significant proportion of academic and research activity.
The program focuses on robotic-assisted surgery using our three da Vinci© surgical systems at both sites, including three dual console da Vinci© Xi systems, and one da Vinci© X system. We also include complex pelvic oncology including multi-specialty pelvic exenteration. This is one of the most sought-after Fellowships in GU Oncology around the world, and is recognised by the European Association of Urology (EAU) Robotic Urology Section.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre is the only EAU-recognised Robotic Surgery Host Centre outside Europe. These Fellowships are highly sought-after and are usually allocated a number of years in advance. Enquiries should be directed to Professor Murphy

Live robotic surgery demonstrations
Declan frequently performs robotic surgery internationally as invited Visiting Professor. In recent years he has performed live demonstrations of robotic radical prostatectomy, broadcast to large conferences, in France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Malaysia and China among others. He is the only Australian surgeon invited to participate in the regular World Robotic Surgery Event which features live surgery broadcast from top cancer centres around the world and streamed on the internet.
Examples of these surgeries can be found here.
Warning – these videos are aimed at surgical audiences for educational purposes. They contain unedited scenes of a surgical nature.