Contact Us
Professor Declan Murphy’s consulting rooms are at Cancer Specialists in Richmond, Victoria. Patients can call directly or email to make an appointment. All patients need a referral from a GP or specialist. New patients can usually be seen within a week or so. Declan can also see patients at Cancer Specialists second site in Parkville, adjacent to Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Both insured and uninsured patients are welcome to see Declan at Cancer Specialists.
New and review patients can be seen either in person or via telehealth. Please contact Declan’s assistants, Samantha and Ann-Marie, or his Practice Manger, Anni, at Cancer Specialists to discuss your preference.
Cancer Specialists
84 Bridge Road, Richmond, 3121
T: +61(3)94216425
F: +61(3)94216372
E: urology@cancerspecialists.com.au
W: cancerspecialists.com.au
Please feel free to contact us with your enquiry.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
305 Grattan Street, Melbourne, 3000
T: +61(3)85598496
F: +61(3)85597709
E: patnavgu@petermac.org
W: www.petermac.org