Telehealth Options

Professor Declan Murphy is a keen supporter of telehealth.
For the majority of his review patients, and for very many of his new patients, telehealth provides a very useful option to avoid coming into the city to see Professor Murphy for a consultation.
Zoom is our preferred telehealth platform.
We use the “waiting room” feature and Professor Murphy’s personal meeting ID and password to maximise security and convenience for our patients. Zoom has many advantages including:
· Many people are familiar with Zoom already
· No account is required; simply click on the link in the email
· Images and videos can be shared during Zoom consultations
We are also happy to just have a telephone chat rather than a videochat using Zoom. However, Zoom is somewhat more personable and closer to a traditional consultation so many prefer this option. Plus, it means that family members can also join the Zoom call from wherever they may be.
What technology do you use?
Our preferred telehealth technology is Zoom.
Is telehealth secure?
Yes, we believe that by using features such as personal meeting ID and the waiting room feature offered by Zoom, that security is more than sufficient for a telehealth consultation. Only those participants approved by Professor Murphy can be admitted to a particular Zoom meeting.
Can other family members join the telehealth consultation remotely?
Yes, you may share the Zoom link with loved ones elsewhere, and they can also be admitted from the Zoom waiting room with yourself and Professor Murphy’s approval.
Can images and videos be shared?
Yes, one of the advantages of Zoom is that Professor Murphy can share images and results on the screen with you. He can also share with you some of the explanatory videos which he often uses to outline surgical procedures such as robotic prostatectomy.
Can images and videos be shared?
Yes, one of the advantages of Zoom is that Professor Murphy can share images and results on the screen with you. He can also share with you some of the explanatory videos which he often uses to outline surgical procedures such as robotic prostatectomy.
Is it more expensive to use telehealth?
No, the costs to the patient are the same. Thanks to the new MBS item numbers introduced during the COVID pandemic, the same level of Medicare rebates apply to telehealth consultations as to in-person consultations. However, the convenience of doing the consultation from home or work, without having transport/parking costs, means that a telehealth option may be more efficient for you. We will continue to offer telehealth after the COVID pandemic, and we hope that the Medicare rebates will be retained.
How do I pay?
We will ask for payment over the phone using your credit card and will send you a receipt by email. We will also process your Medicare rebate. Alternatively, you can use electronic banking.
Can I still be seen in person if I want to?
Of course. We are always happy to see patients in person.